Subject: Courses
Note: Effective Fall 2024, all designations for courses include "_V" to indicate the Vancouver campus. For example: ATSC_V113.
List of UBC-Vancouver Courses closely related to Atmospheric Sciences / Meteorology / Weather / Climate
Caution: Nothing on this webpage can contravene any Academic Calendar regulation or University policy. In resolving any discrepancy, Academic Calendar regulations and University policy take precedence.
Links to Academic Calendar listings of courses:
A. Undergrad Courses
1st Year:
ATSC 113 - Applied Meteorology -3 cr (Weather for Sailing, Flying & Snow Sports)
EOSC 112 - The Fluid Earth: Atmosphere & Ocean -3 cr.
EOSC 114 - The Catastrophic Earth; Natural Disasters -3 cr. (includes a module on storms)
2nd Year:
ATSC 201 - Meteorology of Storms -3cr.
ATSC 212 - Earth & Atmos. Sci. Intro. Computing Lab - 1 cr. (will likely be eliminated soon)
EOSC 211 - Computer Methods in Earth, Ocean & Atmos. Sci. - 3 cr.
EOSC 250 - Fields and Fluxes - 3 cr.
GEOS 200 - Atmospheric Environments - 3 cr.
3rd Year:
ATSC 301 - Atmospheric Radiation & Remote Sensing - 3 cr.
ATSC 303 - Methods in Atmospheric Science - 3 cr. (Weather Instruments)
ATSC 313 - Renewable Energy Meteorology - 3 cr.
ATSC 398 - Co-op Work Placement I- 3 cr.
ATSC 399 - Co-op Work Placement II - 3 cr.
CHEM 302 - Atmos. Environ. Chemistry - 3 cr.
ENVR 300 - Intro to Research in Environmental Sci. - 3 cr.
EOSC 340 - Global Climate Change -3 cr.
EOSC 352 - Geophysical Continuum Dynamics - 3 cr.
EOSC 354 - Analysis of Time Series and Inverse Theory for Earth Scientists - 3 cr
GEOS 300 - Microscale Weather - 3 cr.
GEOS 309 - Geographical Science Field Course - 3 cr.
GEOG 312 - Climate Change: Science and Society - 3 cr. (not GEOS)
GEOS 370 - Advanced Geographic Information Science (GIS) - 3 cr.
GEOS 373 - Introductory Remote Sensing - 3 cr.
4th Year:
ATSC 404 - Dynamic Meteorology - 3 cr.
ATSC 405 - Cloud Physics & Chemistry - 3 cr.
ATSC 406 - Operational Meteorology - 3 cr. (will likely be eliminated soon)
ATSC 409 - Numerical Techniquest for Ocean, Atmosphere & Earth Scientists - 3 cr
ATSC 413 - Forest-fire Weather & Climate - 3 cr.
ATSC 448 - Directed Studies - 3 or 6 cr.
ATSC 449 - Honours Project - 6 cr.
ATSC 490 - Student-directed Seminars in Atmos. Sci - 3 cr.
ATSC 498 - Co-op Work Placement III - 3 cr.
ATSC 499 - Co-op work Placement IV - 3 cr.
ENVR 410 - Energy, Environment & Society - 3 cr.
EOSC 410 - Geoscientific Data Analysis & Empirical Modeling - 3 cr.
EOSC 440 - Physical Climate Modeling - 3 cr.
EOSC 442 - Climate Measurement & Analysis - 1 cr.
EOSC 448 - Directed Studies - 3 or 6 cr.
EOSC 471 - Physical Oceanography - 3 cr.
GEOS 400 - Global Change Science - 3 cr.
GEOS 401 - Urban Meteorology - 3 cr.
GEOS 402 - Air Pollution Meteorology - 3 cr.
GEOS 448 - Directed Studies - 3 cr
MECH 411 - Air Pollution, Technology & Society - 3 cr.
B. Grad Courses
ATSC 500 - Boundary Layer Meteorology - 3 cr.
ATSC 506 - Numerical Techniques for Ocean, Atmosphere & Earth Scientists - 3 cr (taught with ATSC 409 & EOSC 511)
ATSC 507 - Numerical Weather Prediction - 3 cr.
ATSC 548 - Masters Graduation Essay - 3-6 cr.
ATSC 595 - Directed Studies - 2-6 cr.
ATSC 595D - Directed Studies in Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling - 3 cr.)
ATSC 597 - Co-op Work Placement I - 3 cr.
ATSC 598 - Co-op Work Placement II - 3 cr
ATSC 599 - Masters Thesis -12-15 cr.
ATSC 699 - Doctoral Dissertation - 0 c5.
EOSC 510 - Data Anslysis in Atmos., Earth & Ocean Sciences - 3 cr.
EOSC 512 - Advanced Geophysical Fluid Dynamics - 3 cr.
EOSC 516 - Teaching & Learning in Earth, Ocean & Atmos. Sci. - 2 cr
EOSC 582 - Satellite Remote Sensing: Applications to Oceanography & Meteorology - 3 cr.
C. 4-year Plan of Course Offerings (tentative)
This table shows planned course offerings during Fall 2022 - Summer 2027. (updated irregularly)
D. Topic Coverage by Courses
This table shows which meteorological topics are covered by which courses.