Frequently updated.
There are 17 professors spanning different faculties and departments who are core professors in the ATSC Program. The following table (Fig. 1) shows their fields of interest. Professors teach courses, get grants, conduct research, supervise grad students, and hire undergrads.
Not in the table is Adjunct Prof. Doug McCollor, who teaches 2 online/hybrid courses: ATSC 113, ATSC 313, plus portions of EOSC 114 and ATSC 413.
After this figure, scroll down to see more details (photo, biosketch, website, email) for each professor.
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Susan Allen
Full Professor Research focus: I am a physical oceanographer with skills in fluid mechanics including scaling, analytics, laboratory and numerical modeling. My areas of application include coastal oceanography, biogeochemical-physical interactions in the ocean and how atmospheric forcing impacts both. Website: Office: ESB 3017 Phone: (604) 822-2828 Email: |
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Phil Austin
Associate Professor Research focus: My students and I work on a range of topics that all (loosely) fit under the heading "Cloud Physics". Much of our research is aimed at better understanding the processes that determine the radiative properties of layer clouds. We are especially interested in the ways in which stratus and cirrus clouds form, persist, and dissipate; these clouds exert a controlling influence on the global climate. Follow this link to find abstracts, citations and preprints of recent papers.I'm principal investigator for an NSERC strategic project called Cloud Aerosol Feedbacks and Climate. Website: ??? Office: EOS-South 157 Phone: (604) 822-2175 Email: |
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Neil Balmforth
Full Professor Research focus: Non-Newtonian Fluid Dynamics And Applications In Geophysic.s Skinny currents, tremor and dambreaks. Large Dynamical Systems. Pattern Formation In Systems With Continuous Spectra And Fluid Shear Flows. Mixing, Tides And Convection. Stratified Kolmogorov Flow. Cornstarch. Sand Ripples, Snails and More. Website: Office: Mathematics Building, 229C Phone: 604-827-3034 Email: |
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Allan Bertram
Full Professor Research focus: We focus on chemical and physical processes important in the atmosphere. Of special interest are atmospheric aerosol particles and the role they play in urban air pollution, climate change and atmospheric chemistry. Ultimately our goal is to better understand the role of human activity on the Earth's atmosphere. Website: Office: Chemistry E222 Phone: 604-822-2113 Email: |
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Andy Black
Full Professor Research focus: My research has been the energy and water balance of forests. For many years I’ve also had an interest in plant water relations. More recently I have become extremely interested measuring forest–atmosphere CO2 exchange (even on a long-term basis which may be foolish) and in trying to understand the processes controlling the carbon balance of forests.. Website: Office: MacMillan 135 Phone: 604–822–2730 Email: |
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Nadine Borduas-Dedekind
Assistant Professor Research focus: Our research focuses on understanding the fate of organic molecules in the atmosphere with implications for air quality and climate. Our research team uses field-deployable mass spectrometers, aerosol instruments and cloud chambers to study the fate of pollutants in the air that we breathe. For example, our team studies wildfire smoke, termed brown carbon, to determine how atmospheric biomass burning generates oxidants and nucleates clouds. We also conduct work on outdoor and indoor air volatile organic compounds to better constrain our exposure to atmospheric chemicals. Website: Office: Chemistry D344 Phone: 604-822-4435 Email: |
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Ilsa Cooke
Assistant Professor Research focus: My research group focuses on laboratory surface and gas-phase experiments to unravel the formation of molecules in interstellar space. Our group aims to understand whether the chemical ingredients for life evolve in space and can be transferred to newly forming planets. Our experiments are motivated by our involvement in observations of molecules in space using radio telescopes. Website: and Office: CHEM A327 Phone: 604-822-8511 Email: |
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Simon Donner
Full Professor Research focus: I am an interdisciplinary climate scientist who aims to address societally-relevant questions surrounding climate change. Most of my research is at the intersection of physical climate science, marine science and public policy. My current areas of focus are patterns of ocean warming and sea-level rise; climate change adaptation in the developing world, especially in coastal areas; and climate change and coral reefs. This research involves a combination of numerical modelling, large-scale geospatial analysis, and both scientific and interview-based field work in the south and central Pacific. Website: Office: GEOG 133 Phone: 604 822 6959 Email: |
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Amanda Giang
Assistant Professor Research focus: My research addresses challenges at the interface of environmental modelling and policy through an interdisciplinary lens, with a focus on air pollution and toxics. How can we use simulation, statistical, and qualitative methods to assess the environmental and health impacts of technology and policy? How do we take into account uncertainty in human, technological, and natural systems? And how can we use environmental modelling to better empower communities and inform policy decision-making, from local to global scales? Website: Office: AERL 434 Phone: (604) 822-2403 Email: |
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Marysa M. Lagüe
Assistant Professor Research focus: My research interests includ land-atmosphere interactions, climate dynamics, terrestrial surface energy budget, and land impacts on the global energy budget. I utilize earth system modeling & idealized modeling. Additional interests include land-use impacts on the climate system, atmospheric feedbacks, terrestrial controls on atmospheric water vapour, and vegetation impacts on the hydrologic cycle. Website: Office: room 226 Geography Bldg. Phone: 604-822-2985 Email: |
Tianjia (Tina) Liu
Assistant Professor
Research focus: I am an interdisciplinary environmental scientist who uses a combination of remote sensing, GIS, statistics/machine learning, and atmospheric modeling to understand modern human-fire relationships, the role of fire in the Earth system, and the impacts of extreme events on planetary health. My research lies at the intersection of atmospheric science, geography, and public health, with special focus on India, Equatorial Asia, and North America. Website: Office: room 242B Geography Bldg. Phone: xxx Email: |
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Doug McCollor
Adjunct Professor Career focus: Weather forecasting for renewable energy. Meteorology education. Websites: Office: room 159 Earth & Ocean Sci - South Phone: (he prefers emails) Email: |
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Anais Orsi
Assistant Professor Research focus: I am a polar climate scientist, combining fieldwork in key locations, innovation in the lab, and interactions with the modelling community to better quantify our understanding of polar climate variability at the decadal to millennial scale, and to better assess the risks associated with the current global warming. Website: Office: ESB 4017 Phone: (604) 822-6456 Email: |
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Rich Pawlowicz
Full Professor Research focus: zzz. Website: Office: ESB 3019 Phone: (604) 822-1356 Email: |
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Valentina Radic
Associate Professor Research focus: I use state-of-the-art field, modeling and data analysis methods to quantify the response of mountain glaciers to climate change on regional and global scales, and to narrow the uncertainties in projections of glacial contributions to regional streamflow as well as to global sea level rise. Website: Office: ESB 3065 Phone: (604) 827-1446 Email: |
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Roland Stull
Full Professor, & Chair of the ATSC program Research focus: numerical weather prediction and its applications to clean energy, forest fires & smoke, climate change, transportation, and weather disasters. Also strengths in atmospheric boundary layers, turbulence, and air quality. Website: Office: room 158 Earth & Ocean Sci - South Phone: 604-822-5901 (but he prefers emails) Email: |
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Stephanie Waterman
Associate Professor Research focus: I am a sea-going physical oceanographer with research interests in process studies related to ocean dynamics. I am particularly interested in scale interactions. One example is how features of the large-scale circulation, like the Gulf Stream jet, interact with the smaller-scale mesoscale eddy field, the "weather systems" of the ocean. Other examples are how the internal wave field on sub-eddy scales couples to smaller-scale turbulent motions, and how waves and turbulence are modulated by the larger-scale background flow. Website: Office: ESB 3053 Phone: (604) 827-2665 Email: |
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Rachel White
Assistant Professor Research focus: I have a wide range of research interests within atmospheric dynamics; a major focus of my current work is studying how large-scale atmospheric dynamics (circulation patterns, planetary-scale atmospheric waves...) contribute to extreme weather events such as heat waves and cold snaps. I am also interested in understanding fundamental aspects of our current climate, and how atmospheric circulation may change in the future under anthropogenic warming. I run and analyze results from climate models and analyze data from atmospheric observations to explore these topics. Website: Office: ESB 4019 Phone: (but she prefers emails) Email: |
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Naomi Zimmerman
Assistant Professor Research focus: My research program revolves around the development and application of real-world-based tools to quickly and quantitatively assess the impact of our policy and technology decisions on air pollution and climate outcomes, and to use the knowledge gained to support better environmental policy planning. Website: Office: CEME 2066 Phone: (604) 822-9433 Email: |
yyy Professor Research focus: zzz. Website: xxy Office: room 999 xxxEarth & Ocean Sci - South Phone: 555-555-5555 (but s/he prefers emails) Email: |
yyy Professor Research focus: zzz. Website: xxy Office: room 999 xxxEarth & Ocean Sci - South Phone: 555-555-5555 (but s/he prefers emails) Email: |
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Ian McKendry
Emeritus Professor Research focus: My long-term research goals have been primarily directed at understanding meteorological phenomena that develop in regions of complex, urbanized terrain. An important applied focus of this work has been the investigation of the role such phenomena (e.g. land sea breezes, slope winds and urban effects) have on the transport and dispersion of pollutants. Website: Office: GEOG 250 Phone: 604-822-4929 Email: |
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Douw Steyn
Emeritus Professor Research focus: Air Pollution Meteorology, Boundary Layer Meteorology, Mesoscale meteorology. Website: Office: EOSM 465 Phone: (604) 364-1266 Email: |
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William Hsieh
Emeritus Professor Research focus: Development and application of machine learning methods (esp. neural networks) in the environmental sciences, including atmospheric science, oceanography, hydrology, climate science and agricultural science. Website: Office: (none at UBC) Phone: xxx Email: |
yyy Professor Research focus: zzz. Website: xxy Office: room 999 xxxEarth & Ocean Sci - South Phone: 555-555-5555 (but s/he prefers emails) Email: |
yyy Professor Research focus: zzz. Website: xxy Office: room 999 xxxEarth & Ocean Sci - South Phone: 555-555-5555 (but s/he prefers emails) Email: |
Procedure for electing the ATSC chair every two years.