UBC Atmospheric Science (ATSC) Program

Subject: ATSC Graduate Program

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Atmospheric Sciences (ATSC) Program

Info from the UBC Calendar covers the Bachelor's, Master's, and PhD programs: https://vancouver.calendar.ubc.ca/faculties-colleges-and-schools/faculty-graduate-and-postdoctoral-studies/degree-programs/atmospheric-science

All grad students (except those taking course-based degrees) are guaranteed a salary for up to 2 years for a Masters student, and 4 years for a PhD student. Depending on the grant-funding status of the supervising professor, additional years of funding might be possible. The salary funding is usually made up of a combination of Research Assistantships (RAs), Teaching Assistantships (TAs), and sometimes Scholarships.

Regardless of whether you first officially apply to the UBC ATSC graduate program, or whether you first contact one of the ATSC professors, admission ultimately depends on whether one of the ATSC professors has space/ability to accept new grad students, and has grant funding to pay your salary. Before you apply, it is wise to "do your homework" and check the websites for the subset of professors who do research in the area you want to study.

We admit grad students in September, January, and May. Most students apply to start in September. If you are applying for a September start, please plan way ahead and begin your application during Fall of the year before. An early application increases your chances of getting funding.

ATSC Masters Degree 

We offer 3 types of ATSC Masters Degree:

See details of course requirements for each of these options as described in the UBC Calendar. Note that admission to the co-op Masters option requires that the candidate must first have a memo of understanding from the potential employer.

Overview: https://www.grad.ubc.ca/prospective-students/graduate-degree-programs/master-of-science-atmospheric-science .


ATSC PhD Degree 

The PhD is research-based, leading to a written dissertation and an oral defense. It takes 3 to 8 years, although the EOAS department average is 6 years.

There are two ways to enter the PhD program. One is to already have a Masters degree in ATSC or a related field before applying to UBC. The other is a "fast-track" program where you start as a Master's student, and then apply to be promoted into the PhD program after the first year of graduate courses (assuming your course grades are sufficiently high).

Overview: https://www.grad.ubc.ca/prospective-students/graduate-degree-programs/phd-atmospheric-science .


ATSC Postdoc (= Post Doctoral Fellow, PDF)

Some of the professors also hire postdocs, depending on their funding and research needs. Please contact individual ATSC professors if you are seeking a postdoc postion.