UBC Atmospheric Science (ATSC) Program

Subject: Info & Tools

How to Qualify as a Meteorologist 

This link summarizes guidelines from the

News and Advising Updates 


Scholarships for Undergrads

More scholarship info will be added as we get it.


The Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS), the premier Society for atmospheric and oceanographic sciences in Canada, offers undergraduate scholarships to students in atmospheric sciences, meteorology, climate, oceanography and related fields (e.g., mathematics, hydrology, limnology).  

The CMOS Undergraduate scholarships - $2,000 each
The CMOS Daniel G. Wright Undergraduate Scholarship - $2,000
The CMOS - The Weather Network/MétéoMédia Scholarship - $3,000 . 

Information about these scholarships and how to apply can be found at  http://www.cmos.ca/site/activities/undergradscholarship.

You do not have to be a member of the Society to receive a scholarship.  

The application deadline for the undergraduate scholarships is March 15th, 2024.

Please send any questions and/or applications to awards-coord@cmos.ca.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 

Under construction. Coming soon.



More Info and Tools will be included soon 

Under construction.