News and Advising Updates
Will be updated as new info arrives.
2024-2025 Academic Year
- UBC is switching to WorkDay software to handle course registrations and grades. Access begins in summer 2024 in preparation for Fall 2024 courses. We are still learning how to navigate the new WorkDay system. One change is that all courses offered at the Vancouver campus have "_V" appended to their names, such as ATSC_V 201 Meteorology of Storms. So if you are searching for a course within WorkDay, don't forget to add the "_V" in your search name.
- The UBC Geography Dept has hired a new professor to do ATSC-related work: Dr. Tianjia (Tina) Liu . She starts in January 2025.One of her specialties is forest fires. She says:: "For courses, I will be teaching GEOS 370 (Advanced GIS) during Winter/Term 2 of 2024-2025. The other course I will be teaching is GEOS 200 (Atmospheric Environments), probably Winter/Term 1 of 2025-2026. My third course (to be added my third year) is TBD and will probably be one of the introductory GEOS courses. I don't think I will be creating a new course in the immediate future, but am interested to do so in the future, maybe a seminar course covering fires, air quality, and public health."
- Here is info about which of the ATSC-relevant Geography (GEOS & GEOG) courses will be offered during the 2024-2025 academic year:
- GEOS_V 200 Atmos. Environments. cross-listed with APBI 244 Term 1 | M/W 9:30-11 | 100 seats (GEOS)+ 60 seats (APBI)
- GEOS_V 300 Microscale Weather & Clim. Term 1 | M/W 2-3:30 | 70 seats
- GEOS_V 309 Field course. not offered
- GEOS_V 370 Advanced Geographic Info Systems (GIS). Term 1 | M/W 12:30 -2 | 75 seats Term 2 | T/Th 2-3:30 | 75 seats
- GEOS_V 373 Intro Remote Sensing. Term 2 | T/Th 11-12:30 | 70 seats
- GEOS_V 400 Global Change Science. not offered
- GEOS_V 401 Urban Meteorology. Term 2 | T/Th 9:30-11 | 50 seats (online)
- GEOS_V 402 Air Pollution Meteorology. not offered
- GEOG_V 312 Climate Change: Sci. & Society. Term 1 | M/W 2-3:30 | 100 seats
- ATSC_V 313 Renewable Energy Meteorology. This hybrid course (i.e., fully online, except for the final exam) is offered in BOTH Fall and January terms.
- MECH_V 411 Air Pollution, Technology and Society is indeed open to ATSC majors (and all BSc majors) who have the prerequisite. In spite of the fact it says it is restricted, you should be able to register for it. (If not, let the instructor Prof. Naomi Zimmerman know.) There is limited seats, so don't wait until December to try to sign up for it.
ATSC Advising Updates
- Here is the teaching plan for ATSC-related courses for the next two years, as of 25 June 2024:
- 2024-2025:
- Term 1: ATSC_V 201 storms (satisfies ECCC thermo requirements)
- Term 1: ATSC_V 313 renewable energy meteorology
- Term 1: ATSC_V 413 forest fire weather (satisfies ECCC requirement for synoptics)
- Term 2: ATSC_V 301 remote sensing
- Term 2: ATSC_V 303 weather instruments
- Term 2: ATSC_V 313 renewable energy meteorology
- Term 2: EOSC_V 440 climate physics
- Term 2: ATSC_V 448 Capstone course
- Term 2: ATSC_V 507 Numerical Weather Pred (will be offered to fit student’s schedules)
- 2025-2026:
- Term 1: ATSC_V 201 storms (satisfies ECCC thermo requirements)
- Term 1: ATSC_V 313 renewable energy meteorology
- Term 1: ATSC_V 413 forest fire weather (satisfies ECCC requirement for synoptics)
- Term 2: ATSC_V 405: Cloud physics
- Term 2: ATSC_V 448: Capstone course
- Term 2: ATSC_V 409: Numerical Techniques
- Term 2: ATSC_V 313 renewable energy meteorology
- Term 2: ATSC_V 595D atmos. dispersion modeling (will be offered to fit student’s schedules).
- You can find updates to this teaching plan at:
- Acceptable alternatives to GEOS_V 402 Air Pollution Meteorology are
- MECH_V 411 Air Pollution, Technology and Society (see info above), or
- CHEM_V 302 Atmospheric Environmental Chemistry, or
- ATSC_V 595D Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling (offered every 2nd year. Next offering is January 2026).
(to register for this, contact Prof. Stull, because you can't just register yourself)
- ATSC_V 405 Cloud Physics and Chemistry. is offered every 2nd year. The next offering by Prof. Phil Austin is scheduled for January 2026.
- PHYS_V 314 Fluids has not been offered for many years. For ATSC Honours students, acceptable alternatives are
- MECH_V 280 Intro to Fluid Mechanics or
- CIVL_V 215 Fluid Mechanics 1.
- Caution: these alternatives are NOT upper-level courses.
- EOSC_V 440 Climate Physics is a new course to be offered in January 2025 term. It will be added to the list of ATSC approved electives.
- GEOG_V 312: We asked Science advising to allow GEOG 312, Climate Change: Science and Society to be counted against the arts requirement, so that students could get credit for both GEOG 312 and EOSC 340: Global Climate Change, since there is essentially no overlap in material, and GEOG 312 places a heavy emphasis on policy/society topics.