Created by undergrad Jasmine Atwal.
Please refer to the course mind map (linked below) regarding information on selecting courses required for specific careers. The courses begin with lower-year requirements at the top and slowly transition into a selection of upper-year courses to be completed within the degree, (please refer to the UBC Calendar).
Note that courses in this mindmap do not fully correlate with the courses on the ATSC Calendar Page. This is due to certain pre-requisites for courses that are preliminary for a government position as a meteorologist for Environment Canada (ECCC). These courses remain useful for aspiring Graduate students as well. For broken links in the mind map, please refer to the UBC Calendar for up-to-date information regarding its equivalent course.
This mindmap is to be used as a referential document for those who would like to take the certain courses listed. For all definitive requirements, one should refer to the ATSC Calendar. For those who are completing an honours or combined-honours degree, this document will aid you with lower year course pre-requisites, along with upper year course descriptions. However, the path is much different, in the case that you find a required course that is not included in the map, please adopt the UBC Calendar for adequate pre-requisites.
There are hyperlinks dispersed throughout the PDF,. Please take the time to click on some of the ATSC courses to find out more on their course home-pages!
If you are confused with any requirements, or would like some guidance with your courses, please visit your Science Advisor!
Degree Navigator is an extremely helpful UBC Tool in aiding students to determine if certain degree requirements have or have not been met. Students should refer to the Degree Navigator often to ensure that their necessary courses are being completed. This is especially useful for various Science Breadth, or Arts requirements that BSc students take. The following PDF provided by UBC includes a quick tutorial on how to access Degree Navigator.
Degree Navigator Tutorial